Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Warna warni biladi..

Alhamdulillah… pilihanraya umum yang ke 12 berlangsung dengan selamat dan jayanya  dengan harapan agar pemimpin yang telah dilantik menjayakan amanahnya sebaik mungkin untuk kesejahteraan Malaysia dan Islam tu sendiri tanpa ada apa-apa penyelewengan untuk kepentingan peribadi..

Teringat seminggu sebelum pilihanraya tersebut, ada sorang lecturer bertanya dalam kelas kami, “Today, let us predict a hypothesis/ jadi ahli nujum sekejap. Let say if I want to do a research. The questionnaires should be suitable with the kind of participants who are going to answer the questions. What kind/type of people who are going to vote I rather than S?” Then, my classmates answers were.. “Those who come from lower economic status”, “Those who dislike S”, bla bla.. and “Those who involved in Islamic movements”.. Suddenly, one brother asking the class seriously, “Is S is not enough Islamic??” So surprised! And the class start laughing because we are only predict what type of people, but not to discuss the reality and the serious one..

Madam also starts to explain what actually we are doing, and asked him to calm dawn. But the brother doesn’t want to stop arguing.. No G no ptptn etc.. We just listen to his ‘bebelan’ until he stops talking. Lastly madam concludes that there must be physiological and psychological factors that lead people to vote certain candidate. And the candidates also should do a research or survey the need, situation, culture, nature and problem of the communities that they are represent to.

Berbalik pada demam pilihanraya haritu, masa nak balik kampong, keluar je kampus, macam-macam warna yang ana nampak. Tapi sampai KL, dekat area pudu, Cuma satu warna je yang tinggal. Lalu Muar, kembali berwarna warni, meriah je nampak. Tp nak sampai dekat kampong, tinggal 1 warna je. Huhu.. dah agak dah..

Apepun, keputusan pilihanraya baru-baru ni agak mengejutkan dan diluar jangkaan semua pihak. Namun ape yang berlaku mungkin ada hikmahnya, hanya Dia je yang tahu dan sesungguhnya Dialah sebaik-baik perancang. Allahu’alam.


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Uhibbu Hazihi Suar Hubban Syadidan